Haptic Cameras is a series of 20” 20”in prints that explore the mechanical, manual, tactile side of photography that has to some extend been lost today. They are framed in white wood square box frames with Uv Museum plexi.

As we transition into ever more technological changes - the metaverse is looming large as web3.0  as is VR and yet we (and new students) are still fascinated with the feeling of a mechanical camera. The cultural mythology of certain cameras remains and permeates popular culture, such as the Hasselblad that was left on the moon, the polaroid camera and Diane Arbus’ Roleiflex amongst many others come to mind. This project is becomign an archive and aims to grow to include 100’s of camera x rays. My hope is to also collaborate with institutions.

The images themselves present us with a complex mass of cables and gears, they remind us of the incredibly complicated mechanisms inside many cameras, while also exposing how simple other cameras, for example view cameras are. Simultaneously Haptic Cameras will function as a quasi–memorial, an ode to these iconic machines.

Haptic Cameras, Haptic Habits, an ongoing archive, 2022


The Infinite Latent Image Project